Auto nest

"Auto nest" is a true shape nest command that automatically nests multiple parts to a sheet. "Auto nest" also supports nesting with multiple heads in different combinations. It will also nest parts in holes of other parts.

Start the command and select the parts you want to nest.


This value is showing you the quantity of the remaining parts to cut.


How do you want the parts to rotate in the nest? This is very dependent on the material and its fibers.

Part distance

The distance between each nested part.


If you have more than one cutting tool, you can set how many tools you want to cut the nest with.

If you check the variable box, the nest will use cutting tools dynamically and use the closest cutting tool for every part.

If you don't have a machine that automatically changes the distance between the cutting heads, you have to enter the fixed value between the cuttingheads.

Tool distance
If you have a machine that automatically changes the distance between the cutting heads, you can choose the dynamic value in the drop down. This value will change the distance between your cutting heads from part to part.
The Equal value will automatically set up your tool distance, but will be constant throughout the whole program.

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